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hum, humöret är idag... vet inte?

Hejjssan Hejjssan ! :)

jo ja hörde en låt idag som jag aldrig lyssnat särskilt noga på ordmessigt..
och plötsligt inser jag saker som jag antagligen aldrig sku tänkt på.. saker som hänt i livet ..

låten är  av Dead By April, inget band ja lyssnar speciellt mkt på, det hände oftare förut , men dag stötte jag ihop med den, och  ja som sagt , jag insåg så himla mycket .
Hur kan man vara så blind? och det dumma är att jag är skurken...
Den som aldrig var nöjd... voinej.. va man .. blir sur i efterhand för egna misstag .. men i guess, thats life?

I tried to be all that you need
tried not ever let you down
still I can see it in your eyes
Not good enough

(This time I believed that I really could change)

(I gave it all)
(This time you really had my everything)
(I guess I was wrong)
I guess I was wrong

What can I say, What can I do

This is who I am and I am hurting you
What can I say, what can I do
No matter how strong my feelings are
I always end up hurting you

I always end up hurting you

I'm hurting you

I tried hard only to be him

You've always wanted in life
Still I just bring you misery
(What can I do)

(This time I believed in you, in me)

(When I gave it all)
(This time I could see it all perfectly,)
(I guess I was wrong)
I guess I was wrong

What can I say, what can I do

This is who I am and I am hurting you
What can I say, what can I do
No matter how strong my feelings are
I always end up hurting you
I always end up hurting you

Without you I am crying

With you I am just hurting you

Without you I am dying

With you I am tearing your heart

(Without you I am crying)

(Without you I am dying)

What can I say, What can I do

This is who I am and I'm hurting you
What can I say, what can I do
No matter how strong my feelings are
I always end up hurting you
I always end up hurting you
I always end up hurting you


Kom ihåg mig?

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